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Our Current Deals
We are delighted to have the following deals available for our investors! Sign up to our mailing list to stay up to date with the latest deals!
Deal 1: R2SA Milton Keynes
2 Bed Apartment
City Centre Location- MK9
Turnkey Apartment
Already set up as a SA. Ready to go!
Fully Furnished and decorated.
Rent to Landlord £1,300
Expected Profit £1,074 @ 70% Occupancy
Sourcing Fee: £4,000
Deal 2: R2SA Watford
1 Bed Apartment
Rent to Landlord £1,175
Expected Profit £892 @ 75% Occupancy
Sourcing Fee: £3,000
For further information please email with the deal number and your phone number and we will get back to you within 24 hours.
What Our Clients Say
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